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Our Services

First and Foremost we are an empowered team of women, ready to show other women that they are Strong, Powerful, Beautiful, Independent and lead them to their LOVEGODESSS- their best version of themselves via Coaching, Education, Boudoir Photo Session, Sensual dance and so much more.
We help women find themselves again. We help women develop the new identities of themselves.

We help Women RECONNECT to their FEMININE RADIANCE,their TURN ON, their PASSION, their PLAYFULLNESS, their seductive FEMME FATALE.
We help women shed their old conditioning that connecting to their life force energy, their source of power – their sexuality is somehow shameful. We lead women to their sexuality through the journey of finding spirituality first. That is what stands us apart from anyone else you have met before. We believe that separation of spirituality from sexuality played into devaluing feminine nature, which resulted in disempowered, artificial, empty, over-sexualisation of women. We believe that only through combining spirituality and sexuality a woman is able to step into her power as a whole.
Every Woman has the power to bring the magic of life into the reality of everyday life. That goddess within is sleeping (idling). Most women are either not aware of her or are afraid to awaken and embody her. This is because of strict societal programming that we have been conditioned to since early childhood. The programming teaches us, that it is not safe to embody your erotic and sexual self, that it is frowned upon, that you have to be a good and obedient girl, be a good mother and wife to your husband.

EVERY woman HAS AN inner goddess INSIDE OF HER.
A lot of marriages go stale and lose the spark of life, because women try to fit into a domesticated, boring good wife role to be of service to men and patriarchal values. This is when a woman loses herself. She sacrifices her own identity for an identity of a “good wife” she believes she supposed to project in order to be loved. The moment a woman gives herself up, is the moment woman becomes unhappy, unfulfilled, undesirable and loses her direction.
What we teach is that modern woman can have it all – her family, her freedom, her business and sexy relationship with her husband.
SHE IS CREATING her own rules AND INTENTIONALLY DESIGNING HER OWN fabulous life FILLED WITH fun, pleasure, travel, ADVENTURES and FEMININE LIFESTYLE in elegant , classic and HIGH VALUE MANNER.
Lovegodesss Academy is our flagship group coaching program for you to RE-INVENT YOURSELF on all levels: take charge of your life, your inner confidence and authenticity, your look, your marriage, your lifestyle and finally turn yourself on again by connecting to your erotic feminine identity and becoming a LOVEGODESSS in your own life. You will transform from a burned out and tired grey duckling into a shining lovegodesss - a feminine woman in touch with her femininity, sexuality and passion for life.
Lovegodesss App is our app where we help regular women and moms with stale marriages, busy but boring lives, women who lack of sexual expression and opportunities to dress up and feel feminine and beautiful to get their sexy spark back and get into a feminine energy of a Lovegodesss, alongside the community of like minded women. Our lovegodesss app curates access to Lovegodesss Club Virtual, where we livestream sensual dance classes, spirituality workshops and studio events. With Lovegodesss Club VIP access through our app we curate “how to be feminine and seductive” tutorials alongside with an online feminine sensual dance movement designed for beginners to awaken sexual energy, find creative sexual expression, increase passion in relationship and grow feminine / masculine polarity..
Lovegodesss studio is our physical location, located near Town Center in Virginia Beach. It is a Lovegodesss dance and photography space intended to connect women, who are aligned with the Lovegodesss Philosophy with each other, and form connections based on support and sisterhood. It’s a club for goddesses. It’s a safe space to find serenity and peace through meditation and spirituality workshops as well as tapping into deeply feminine sexuality via our dance classes, curated to awaken your lovegodesss within and become in touch with your very own body. When you dance with us, you dance just for you, you dance with your feelings, you can forget about making perfect moves or looking awkward while doing it. You body is finally learning to express emotions that have been stored within for so long. We have a mixture of follow along classes and workshops as well as step by step dance routines. The Studio is oriented to beginner women to tap into basics of sensual dance. Our clients are not looking to pursue professional dance careers, but to have an outlet where they can tap into their feminine bodies through movement on a day to day basis.
Lovegodesss club is a paid monthly subscription membership inside our dedicated LOVEGODESSS App, that allows women stay connected to their sexuality and their femininity every single week. We add weekly how to tutorials and fresh ideas for life, love, self care in order to nurture our inner Lovegodesss sprit. Lovegodesss Club gives access to Virtual Studio Classes, Workshops, Networking events and Lovegodesss parties for women to have multiple opportunities to dress up, meet likeminded women in the community and indulge in exploring their inner Lovegodesss through spiritual workshops and sensual dance movement practice. Being a member of a club also gives women ability to purchase local class passes to our Lovegodesss Studio and access to purchase passes to our paid events, meetings and workshops.