I am a Creator and Leader of the Lovegodesss feminine movement, CEO of Lovegodesss Women’s Studio in Virginia Beach, Erotic Identity Coach at Lovegodesss Academy, Master Photographer at Boiling Point Boudoir Photography Studio, and Sexual Embodiment Ecstatic Dance facilitator at Lovegodesss Women’s Studio in Virginia Beach.

I help women like you – wives, moms and entrepreneurs, who have lost themselves in midlife, RE-INVENT and turn themselves on again by connecting to their erotic LOVEGODESSS archetype via coaching, education, photography sessions and dance.


I turn women from grey ducklings into DESIRABLE LOVEGODESSSes and give women the exact method to create an IRRESISTABLE LIFESTYLE filled with love, pleasure, sex, travel, adventure, luxury and fun by tapping into our feminine EROTIC IDENTITY.

I teach women little known feminine principles of the GAME OF LIFE and how to play it using energetic laws of the Universe in order to manifest abundant lifestyle.
I guide women to think bigger for themselves and shatter glass ceilings because nothing is impossible. I teach women the balance of their inner erotic goddesses on the inside and classy high value, confident and powerful queens on the outside.



By connecting to your LOVEGODESSS you become unapologetically confident, authentically connected to yourself and your sexuality, seductively irresistible for your partner, completely adored and admired, sexually desired, fully ignited and spiritually grounded. You become a woman who lives a life of pleasure, play, and fun over work, responsibilities, and hustle. You will reignite your marriage by creating sexual tension with your partner by maintaining masculine and feminine polarities in your relationship.
When you start your Lovegodesss Journey with me, I am here to help you define yourself and connect you to your new identity, your Lovegodesss, your eroticism and your sexuality, so you can create a life fueled by passion, high value, luxury, and pleasure.
I will teach you how to create sexual tension with your existing partner and help you make married life fun and full of excitement and adventure.


Not so long ago I wondered, if I ever would get to live my purpose. My life was filled with meaningless minutia, weekly routines i have despised, I never had enough money to go on vacation or live the life I really wanted to live. I have not had enough passion in marriage, and myself and my husband were going on for months without sex. My life was lacking passion. I was being depressed, bored and feeling like a failure, desperate for change, but unsure what I could do about it.

I may not have been even aware that I had a problem. But I knew, I could not continue living that life. And when I thought my life couldn’t get any worse, I have reached the bottom. During 36 weeks of pregnancy I have lost my first child. This event set me on an even deeper spiritual journey. The worst part about this experience, I had to go to work to make ends meet to pay the bills and I did not have enough money to take a break and properly grieve the loss of my child. This was my turning point moment, when I knew I could not continue living the same life, life of frugality, limitations, say no to adventures and new experiences in effort to save money.


Making a decision to take radical responsibility for my life and my finances set forth a powerful change and led me to discover my mentors. During my journey of finding myself, my passion, my purpose, more money, I started my business that has taken me on a personal development journey of a lifetime, through which I have discovered who I was meant to serve and what I was meant to do to make a real change in the world for other women, who were struggling to find the light at the end of the tunnel, just like I once was. I have re-written my limiting beliefs around money, around pleasure, around sex, around what I get to have in life, and I have given myself permission to go all in and create the life full of JOY, PLEASUE, ADVENTURES, FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE, SERVICE and MEANING. I have developed my own manifestation method called Lovegodesss Morning Practice through which I have mastered the technique of turning thoughts to things and becoming a deliberate creator of my own reality: financial, sexual, love, relationship and lifestyle ( and I teach my method in Lovegodesss Academy coaching program).


Just know, my Lovegodesss, I was in your shoes once. Just know that you too can turn everything around in a matter of split second decision to no longer accept miserable existence. When I started for the first three years, I did not have mentors to help me out and lead me out of my despair through a proven path. Only later in my journey I had a paradigm shift and realized that there were women mentors and coaches out there that have gone the path I was seeking to travel, that could show me the way out. I took a leap of faith and invested in my first mentor and after that there was no turning back, my life turned around. I have up leveled my mentors and how much I invested into myself yearly, because of how quickly higher level metorship 10-Xed the speed of manifesting changes in my own life. When I realized that I can follow their breakthroughs and narrow the time of my own learning curve, I started a new stage of life, the stage of accelerated growth and quantum leaps.


I now myself have committed to become the mentor figure for other women seeking their way out and not knowing the path. Today I teach women entrepreneurs to break free from the hustle and masculine culture and live fabulous life filled with adventures, experiences and joyful feelings, sexual desire and in their power. I teach women that they are unlimited creators of their own reality and I give them tools and techniques to step into their power using the most powerful law of the Universe – the law of attraction and ability to create any reality they want with their unlimited thoughts. I teac h women to tap into their erotic identity because tapping into our deeply feminine energy allows us to grow at accelerated rate though fun, joy and pleasure, not suffering, grinding and pushing.

I teach women that every day is a gift. Tomorrow is not promised. Lets live life we came here to live. Let’s step into our power of being unlimited designers of our life and our own destiny.

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