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Hi, I am Katya Melvin, feminine CEO of Lovegodesss Studio, let me introduce you to my team, who we are, what we do, and what we are all about.
Who we are
First and Foremost we are a Girl Team, ready to show other women that they are Strong, Powerful, Beautiful and Independent. We lead them to their Lovegodesss- their best version of themselves via Coaching, Education, Boudoir Photo Session, Sensual dance and so much more.
We have a physical Lovegodesss Studio located at 116 S. Independence Blvd in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with a boudoir studio, dance studio and video production studio. However, I see Lovegodesss Brand as a National Media Company with a mission to spread the word of empowerment across all national channels, way outside our physical location.
Our Big Vision and Our Mission Statement
We are an international feminine rising movement consisting of women, who are ready to step into their empowered version of themselves. What makes us different and stands us apart is that we take an integrated wholesome journey into what it is to become a happy, high-value, feminine, spiritual, beautiful, sensual, and fulfilled woman in the 21st century. The old ways of masculine culture are finally shedding off and the new balanced way of co-creative, respectful, loving feminine and masculine way of living is shaping up, where both feminine and masculine work together on raising each other higher. Women are no longer settling for old patriarchal ways of dominating masculine, whereas feminine ways have been minimized, compromised, suppressed, abused, shut down, and silenced. We are the new women. We are part of the new kind of feminism: feminine, powerful, spiritual, divine, and lovingly respectful of the empowered masculine. New women will lead this new period of ascension to create a harmonious world build on truth, balance, love, peace, beauty, radiance, creativity, and joy. And that is our mission statement.

What services do we offer
Group Coaching Program” Lovegodess Academy”
with Katya Melvin
Boudoir Photography and Videography
with Boiling Point Boudoir Studio
Spiritual / Energy Group Workshops
via Lovegodesss Studio
Feminine Movement Dance Classes
via Lovegodesss Studio
Empowerment and Femme events
via Lovegodesss Studio
Community and Opportunities for women to come together and form connections and friendships
via Lovegodesss Studio
Networking for Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs
via Lovegodesss Studio
What We Really do
We help women find themselves. We help women develop a new identity of themselves. We shed old beliefs that to succeed in life a woman must wear the pants and climb the corporate ladder, stay masculine, and abide by the old rules. Nor do we believe that a sole role of a woman is to raise children. We believe each woman decides for herself the way of living she chooses, based on her highest dreams and her divine assignment. We believe that feminine nature is wild, free, creative, unpredictable, emotional, expressive, erotic, sexual, intuitive, sensual, spiritually connected, and always follows pleasure, joy and genuine happiness. Like a Goddess in the past, the feminine of the past was adored, admired, celebrated, honored, and worshipped. We believe in the re-birth of the Goddess culture, based on the principles of Love (LoveGodesss) We help women tap into what it is to be a new woman. We help women access their femininity, sensuality, sexuality, and eroticism, which is their life force energy that allows a woman to turn her feminine radiance back on. This energy is sacred and not to be used loosely. That is why we believe in a harmonious, uplifting, romantic, beautiful, sexual, pleasurable relationship between feminine and masculine, that is worthy of celebrating and cherishing by keeping the fire of feminine-masculine polarity alive and burning.

What Makes
us us different
We take the wholesome approach to embodying feminine energy through dance, clothes, body language, music, self-expression, meditation, life teachings, and spiritual practice. We believe that spiritual and sexual energies are the same. We believe when a woman is authentically connected to herself spiritually, she is also properly aligned with her sexuality as both are the same life force energy that turns feminine radiance on. When a woman feels loved, admired, and sexually desired, she glows and lives from the place of play, femininity, flow, joy, and pleasure, which is an ultimate alignment and happiness. When a woman feels safe with a trusting partner she allows the flow of her natural sexuality through her body and she feels safe to express herself authentically and fully both creatively and sexually, as both energies are the same and can be transmuted properly into creation and pleasure and become a leading force for breakthroughs and manifestations.