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Lovegodesss Academy is our 12 month group coaching journey for you to RE-INVENT YOURSELF on all levels: take charge of your life, your inner confidence and authenticity, your look, your marriage, your lifestyle and finally turn yourself on again by connecting to your erotic feminine identity and becoming a LOVEGODESSS in your own life.
Lovegodesss is a woman who stepped into her power, her confidence, her ownership of herself, her body, her sexuality and her life. She is a woman who Took Her Power Back!
By going through LOVEGODESSS ACADEMY you are able to transform from a burned out and tired grey duckling into a MAGNETIC & DESIRABLE
LOVEGODESSS- a feminine woman in touch with her FEMININITY, SEXUALITY and PASSION for life destined to create IRRESISTABLE LIFESTYLE for herself
Lovegodesss Method developed by Katya Melvin Is a step by step process for women to step into their feminine power, turn from Grey Duckling into Magnetic Lovegodesss and manifest their irresistible lifestyle.
Lovegodesss method is a set of personal development tools to practice daily which includes guided “shadow and light work” that makes women energetically magnetic to receiving miracles in their lives, “inspired action work” aka “boss by day” and “playgirl art” aka “femme by night” in the evening.
Shadow Work
Shadow work is accessing the sides of yourself that are beyond the surface: your beliefs, your fears and your blocks. Shadow work is intentional process of re-writing of your past subconscious programming based on fears and triggers that are being awakened through this work. Daily Shadow work following exact Lovegodesss methodology, asking the right questions that allow women to uncover and access subconscious programming is the key to clear space within needed for new beliefs to take shape. Your success in shadow work will 100% be responsible on your success on the outside.
Light Work
Light work following exact Lovegodesss methodology will allow you to develop a new mindset of unlimited abundance, joy and pleasure. Light work is about aligning with the energy and frequency of your dream life and dream woman (aka Lovegodesss) you are becoming and irresistible life you are creating .Its a world of perfect possibilities and best case scenarios. I call this a 5D world, the reality and the grid that you are preparing to manifest into your life. Katya’s curated set of tools and exercises has proven miracles over and over with daily implementation.
Boss By Day
“Boss by Day” section of the Lovegodesss method is designed for women entrepreneurs and ambitious career women in mind and relates to financial goals, however could be applied to any woman determined to achieve success in any area of her life. Boss by day is set of skills to live life and hit goals using feminine principles of alignment, higher guidance and support, intuition and inspired action over hard work and hustle in a masculine way.
Femme by Night
“Femme by Night” section of the Lovegodesss method is the part where Lovegodesss comes out to play. Femme by night is intentional creation of your irresistible lifestyle for fun and pleasure in areas of sex, love, friendship, social life, family life, dating, travel and luxury.
Lovegodesss is a woman who stepped into her Dark Feminine Energy. Dark Feminine Energy is not evil or bad. Dark simply means unknown, unexplainable, divine, mysterious. It’s a realm of magical and magnetic attraction. In order to step into your Lovegodesss, you are required to take charge of yourself and your life and work on yourself first. Shadow work is part of your spiritual path to access your Magnetic Feminine Energy. To ensure you are properly using your Dark Feminine Energy, we are working through spirituality first and mastering the Game of Life, that is based on spiritual principles of the Universe. Mis-using Dark Feminine Power can have disastrous effects. I always say that you are light to the extent of your darkness and dark to the extent of your light. We are lightworkers here. We access our Dark Feminine Energy through our light. We ensure you are using it from the place of integrity, good intentions and with accordance to the energetic laws of the Universe. Your spirituality is your superpower.
Master the GAME of LIFE
By becoming a Lovegodesss, you are able to turn yourself on and transform your relationship with yourself, transform your look , how you show up in the world for others, reignite your business and make it fun and enjoyable, bring desire back in your marriage and turn your husband back from a partner into your lover as well as become irresistible magnet for other people, men, friends and finally create a life filled with fun, joy, adventure, travel and lifestyle built on play and pleasure over work, schedules, responsibility, hustle, stress and anxiety.

BOSS by Day & FEMME by night
In the Academy we focus on 6 signature tracks
1. You are Fucking Magic. Manifestation School.
This is where I will tech you my secret that has transformed my life from a struggling powerless victim of my life into a confident, successful and thriving woman that creates her own rules for life. This is where I will teach you the Game of Life and how to play it. Here we learn the true magic of turning thoughts to things and manifest limitless possibilities for you and your life, by becoming spiritually grounded and supported by the divine force. This is where we learn energetic laws of the Universe and how to use them to create irresistible life you desire.
2. Unapologetically Confident You. School of Confidence.
This track will help you step into radically accepting and trusting YOURSELF, you are able to step into your shameless and uncompromising confidence to be authentically YOU and give yourself permission to say YES to the true YOU in a feminine way.
3. Lovegodesss Transformation School
This track will lead through a process of physical transformation of your style, your hair, your home, your closet into a feminine woman who makes first impressions unforgettable.
4. Irresistible YOU. Art of Seduction School
This track will lead you through the journey of embodying your own seduction archetype and learning the Art and the Tools of being an Irresistible High Value Charismatic Feminine Woman to spark Obsession. And before you can seduce anyone else, you must learn to seduce yourself first, slow down and take melting pleasure in everything that you touch.
5. Lust, Desire and Passion School
This track will lead you through the journey of bringing Intimacy, Sex and Adventure back into your Marriage and help you create sexual tension in your relationship through the nurture of Feminine and Masculine polarities. If you don’t have a partner yet, you will learn to create the energy of Magnetic Attraction and most importantly maintain it in your long term relationship to ensure it stays juicy and passionate throughout the years together.
6. Irresistible Lifestyle School
- Irresistible Lifestyle School will lead you through the journey of creating your dream lifestyle filled with travel, beauty, fashion, luxury, adventure, play and fun! It’s time to learn your life lessons through joy not struggle.
FUN is your most magnetic energy that will draw people, money and things to you. Here you are becoming an ultimate PLAYGIRL in life! Play is pleasure, play is fun, life is your playground. If you play by the rules of universal alignment ( rules of giving and receiving – you receive what you give first), there are simply no consequences to play, because things are always happening FOR you not to you. You are divinely guided and protected.
Through our journey you learn that you create your own rules for life and design your lifestyle based on your desires. This track will go deep into designing your Sexual Lifestyle, Your time with Family and Friends, Your Travel and Luxury Lifestyle, Your Beauty Lifestyle, Your Business or Carrier, Your Purpose, Impact and Fame. This is where we learn the Art of Shifting our Energies between Masculine and Feminine, Develop our Daily Lovegodesss Rituals for tapping back into our sexy life creating force, Implement our Dark Feminine Skills, and become Cleopatra – a powerful Feminine Queen, Femme Fatale, who ruled her empire and seduced powerful men into Love and Lust. This is where you master the skill of being Boss by day and Femme by night.