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What’s the Feminine Way?
When I was growing up, I often heard that you have to do what makes sense, apply your logic, rely on scientific proof, and force yourself into doing things. To my advantage, I discovered early on that there is a gentle way where you take your feelings into consideration and do what feels right.
Understanding the feminine way of approaching life can profoundly change the way we make decisions and pursue happiness. In a world that often emphasizes logic, scientific proof, and the need to force ourselves into rigid molds, discovering a gentler, more intuitive path can feel like a revelation. Let’s delve into the essence of the feminine way—a path that honors feelings, intuition, and inner guidance. It challenges the conventional wisdom that following one’s heart is impractical or naïve, and instead, shows how embracing our inner wisdom can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life.
Sometimes people say you gotta follow your heart, and that is what will make you happy. I think I want to clarify this because this statement has earned some sort of sarcastic echo.
Some say, “Look at me, I followed my heart, I do what I love, and I’m still broke.” Or, “I do what I love, and I am overworked and underpaid.” Some might say, “Hey, I followed my heart and married the person of my dreams, and now he’s abusing my kindness.”
Let’s explore this statement. First of all, I want to make a disclaimer that there is so much more that goes into being happy than just following your heart initially. Why did it stop working for you? Did you stop following your heart that was guiding you on what the right move was? Did you get into an abusive relationship because you stopped following your heart that was telling you to get out? Did you ignore all the red flags that you were receiving and go with your logic? Are you overworked and underpaid because you do what you love and don’t charge prices that will support your lifestyle in doing what you want to be doing?
You see, we have a very intricate, all-knowing guidance system inside of us. There are so many illusions; however, the truth is only one. That inner guidance mechanism is built within us. We are born with it. We know exactly what is right and what is wrong. And the difference is if we feel good about doing something and it makes us happy, that means it’s the right thing to do. If we feel unsure, hesitant, or icky about something, that is the wrong thing to do. We run into problems when we stop following our inner guidance mechanism and accept and justify something that is not a fit for us by saying this was the right thing to do. Or we may have started following the guidance, but somewhere along the way, the switch was flipped, and we stopped. And now we feel trapped and unhappy because we stopped following our heart.
A feminine way is using your feelings and intuition to make correct decisions in life. It is about looking for answers inside of ourselves instead of looking for answers outside of ourselves. And the best way to look for answers inside of us is to spend at least 15 minutes a day getting quiet in your mind and asking yourself the question of how you really feel about this person or situation. Be open to receiving those answers that will guide you on the right step to take in your life, business, or relationships.
The feminine way is a spiritual, creative, intuitive, insightful way of being in the world that guides you through life and making life’s decisions that feel good. The masculine way is a linear, concrete, logical, actionable approach based on doing something instead of being something. Don’t get me wrong, in order to embrace your true potential, you gotta blend both. Everything in life is about finding the balance between the two. But coming from a place of feeling good and your intuition should be your number one priority when making a choice.
Lets discuss Lovegodesss principles of living life in a feminine way.
Coming from a place of Love
Love produces more love, whereas hate and anger can only produce more hate and anger. There are only two ways of being. There are only two places that you will act from. There are only two paths. They are love and fear. When we choose fear to be our guide, we live in a place of lack, scarcity, competition, not enough, and jealousy, anger. This set of beliefs reflects in our attitude and the choices we make regarding people around us. When we come from a place of love, we are fully aware that we are enough, that the universe is abundant, that we are loved, and that we are happy.
Who else has been told to be better than that kid down the block? Our parents planted that in our brains that we have to get better grades, be better at sports, have better jobs, win first-place medals, etc. I am here to tell you that there is no need to compete. Being first in something feels good and it tickles our ego temporarily, but ultimately we start feeling that there is something bigger and better that we need to be fighting for, and we will never achieve that something we’re chasing because what we’re chasing is a feeling. And that feeling you can only produce yourself. I am here to tell you that there is enough for everyone. The world is an abundant place. The world is a magical place. Miracles happen every day. You can get anything that you desire. I mean everything when you step out of the way and stop blocking it. You don’t have to choose or say no to yourself or refuse yourself something because you can have it all. Don’t believe anyone who will tell you otherwise. The beauty is that both you and your neighbor and all the people around you can have everything they want at the same time. There doesn’t have to be a selection. The reason why they don’t is that they choose not to have it, whether consciously or unconsciously. They limit themselves in the way they think, and by doing that, they limit themselves in what they can have.
How many times have you heard the saying that you are a masterpiece, so don’t try to be someone else you’re not? Your greatest job is to discover who you truly are, grow and develop yourself personally, and follow your own truths and values instead of believing and submitting to what someone else thinks you should be or do. I want you to be unapologetically authentic and embrace that with every cell in your body. That means if you want to speak your opinion—say it. If you want to wear statement clothing, don’t hold yourself back and put it on. That is the only way you will attract people who value you for who you are instead of people who value you for who you are not but are pretending to be.
Your internal belief system and your internal view of the world are the most important values to your life. The way you see the world determines what you get in this world and the experiences that you attract and experience. There is one truth by which laws function, just like science. Our ignorance of scientific principles does not make the gravitational field go away. Similarly, spiritual principles are the principles upon which the world functions, akin to a matrix. Spirituality is simply the laws of life that scientists don’t yet have an explanation for.
There is a difference between spirituality, an inquiry from within to your connection to your own divinity and religion, a predetermined path of one way of achieving some form of connection to something bigger. Spirituality is unlimited and not defined by any concepts and constructs, whereas religion is limited and eventually will cease. Spirituality comes from within, while religion comes from the outside.
While religion is better than atheism, it has served its purpose in the past, it is currently on the path of losing light and dying out because there are more advanced spiritual technologies available right now.
When you choose to inquire from within about yourself, you will find divinity within. You will find complete love and acceptance without needing validation from outside sources, including the church. It is the ultimate bliss to know that you are the universe, and you are whole and completely divine.
Lovegodesss’s are highly spiritual women who interract with higher energies. They transmute darkness into the light. They know there is a continuation of the process, and there are higher and deeper meanings to everything and everyone.
Passion and Inspiration
Lovegodesss’s are passionate women. They love life. They want to experience every little bit of it. They are passionate about a cause or social issue, certain people in their lives, or certain projects. No matter what each one of us is passionate about, we want to dive deep into it and devote our time to our passions. Inspired action is the best place to come from when pursuing something that you want to be doing in your life. You want to be pumped up and inspired to produce your best work. Creativity is our divine distinctive trait that separates us from anyone else in the universe. Creativity and inspiration fuel us to live a life of fulfillment, excitement, and adventure. Life is meant to be fun. Creativity and inspiration light up any boring project into a full-on masterpiece.
Divinity and Meaning aka Life Purpose
Being a diva simply means being divine, or in other words, coming from the Source. Being a Goddess is our true purpose as women. And the only way we can come from God is when we come from a place of love, not fear. Ask yourself, does it lift you up, or does it make you heavy?
Being a giver is the best feeling and purpose that we can pursue as women or goddesses for that matter. But you gotta give from a place of abundance, not a place of lack. When we give from a place of abundance, we are telling ourselves and the universe that we have enough and we have plenty to share to make other people happy. When we are coming from a place of lack, we are resentful to sharing and we feel that if we give something that is ours, we will not have enough.
Celebrating Yourself
If you are ever at a point where you feel that you have nothing else left to give, it is a sure sign that you need to treat yourself and indulge in things that will feel good to you. This could be taking a break, going to a spa, taking a trip to Hawaii, buying your favorite book, blocking your schedule off to be alone. You’ve got to celebrate yourself because if you don’t, you will have nothing to give. You cannot give from an empty cup.
Dream Bigger than Life
If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough. Daydreaming is key to creating a life of your dreams. And it is more important than you know.
Embracing the feminine way means honoring your intuition, feelings, and inner guidance. It is about finding balance between the logical and the intuitive, the concrete and the spiritual. By understanding and incorporating the values of love, non-competition, authenticity, spirituality, passion, inspiration, divinity, giving, celebrating oneself, dreaming big, and being a miracle worker, we can lead lives that are not only successful but also deeply fulfilling. Remember, the journey is about being in alignment with your true self, creating from a place of abundance, and living with an open heart. The feminine way is a path of inner wisdom and love, guiding you to make decisions that resonate with your soul’s purpose and bring genuine happiness.