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Your relationship with Self
The biggest lie that society tells us is that being selfish is a dishonorable quality we should be ashamed of. The true question we should ask is: What is the reasoning behind the definition society has created regarding this subject?
Maybe it is the other way around: Society is selfish and wants to use your kindness and willingness to serve for their own benefit while labeling you as selfish for pursuing your own desires.
The truth and reality is that behind the negative labeling lies the most important knowledge of all: the science of knowing yourself.
The expression “Know thyself” (Greek: “γνῶθι σεαυτόν” or “gnothi seauton”) originates from ancient Greece. It was inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, one of the most important religious sites in ancient Greece. The phrase is often attributed to various ancient Greek philosophers and scholars, including Socrates and Plato, but its exact origin is somewhat uncertain.
In classical Greek philosophy, the phrase became a central tenet, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and introspection. Socrates, for instance, often invoked this maxim to encourage individuals to examine their lives and understand their own nature, beliefs, and values. It underscores the belief that understanding oneself is a prerequisite for wisdom and living a virtuous life.
Your main and only reason on earth is to “know thyself”. Knowing yourself is the most important thing you can do in this lifetime because, through it, you will learn about the world around you and how it operates. It is a massive subject to uncover, but today we are going to start with the basics and begin peeling the layers of the onion that have led us to be so deeply confused in the modern society that preaches selfishness as a sin.
The first thing we start with is deciding to no longer accept the word “selfish” and redefine it as “self-full.” When you learn to be full of your divine self, not your ego self, you will feel at peace and in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
Your self and personality, which operate from your brain, exist to protect you from danger. Fear originates from the brain so you can run away from a pack of wolves if they are chasing you. That is why fear is always ego-based; your brain simply cannot comprehend anything outside of protecting you from danger.
Then there is your higher self that knows everything about you, where you are meant to be heading in life, and it also knows that you have unlimited potential. It communicates with you through your heart, through what feels good, through your pleasure, your desire for love, impact, friendship, enjoyment, happiness, and pleasure. Your higher self sends you on the path of fun and highest excitement. You are meant to live from a place of fun and highest excitement. You are meant to follow the path of what feels good, fun, and exciting. When you follow that path, you are following the path of your compass, which your higher self sends you on. And the best part of this is, you cannot get it wrong because you will always be protected, and things will always work out for you. When your higher self is in charge, you are unshakable and unstoppable. You will not fail. Your brain and ego will tell you that you will fail, but your higher self knows your highest purpose and desire, which set your soul on fire. Your higher self always knows that there are no limits to what you can do and what you can have in this world.
With that knowledge, when you experience desire, it’s a divine message, the most sacred message of all, that you are meant to follow. When you go against your desire, justifying certain things with logic, you go against your divine guidance and your divine purpose that was always meant to work out for you. You justify certain actions and decisions based on what you should do, what other people told you, and the fears of what might not work out. Therefore, following the path of fear, logic, and ego is operating on a false premise.
In the world, there is only love and fear, only your higher self and your ego. Your ego is an illusion. Which one will you choose to live by? Will you choose to live by the path of your highest fun and desire, or will you choose to live by the path of fear, logic, limitation, and limited thinking? Which one is more exciting? Whichever one feels more exciting is your truest destination; there really is no choice in which road to take. Things will always work out for you, no matter what.
Your job is to trust that you are here at the right time and in the right place, following the desires of the self, following your secret path, following your selfish—or should we say self-full—desires of your heart.
The word “selfish” is designed to knock you off track. It is designed to use you for someone else’s fulfillment of their own agenda. It is designed to block you from seeing your true essence and your true nature as an unlimited creator and powerful woman who is meant to make a difference in this world and live a life of your highest pleasure, luxury, and fun.
Discovering the self is the most important spiritual journey you can undertake because it will put you in direct communication with your highest self, the version of you that has not reincarnated on this earth. Your highest self is the bigger version of you that knows where you are going and which way to take you. It operates through the guidance system of your inner desire, what feels good, and following the path of your highest excitement and fun.
If we go deeper into the spiritual basis of the matrix and creation, we find that you came to this earth to learn lessons and make choices. Based on the choices you make, you learn about yourself and your life. Life is neutral; it has no meaning except the meaning you give it. If we put two people in the same situation, one will react completely differently than the other. If we put two different people in a movie theater to watch the same movie, one person will rave about how amazing it was while the other will complain about how horrible it was. In the eyes of the universe, both people are correct because they perceive the situation through different lenses, which is exactly what you came here to experience. You came to experience life through a multitude of lenses. There is no one lens that is correct; all lenses are true because you are creating the reality for yourself to live in.
Therefore, your mission on earth is to experience the duality and contrast of life to form thoughts, opinions, and decisions for yourself. The premise of your life is to ultimately live through passion, purpose, and fun versus struggle, misery, and low vibration. You want to make choices that correspond to the high vibrational nature of reality that you want to experience on the outside through your own projection.
“What Is” Reality is paradoxically not real; it is a matrix. It is simply a reflection of your inner world. There are many people living different realities and experiencing life in completely different ways. Your job is to experience the highest version of life that is the most exciting and fun, and this is what we Lovegodesssess are meant to experience and this what feminine rising is all about.
Our Highest self guides us to experience life through the lens of bliss, happiness, gratitude, excitement, and love. In the end, bliss is love, ecstasy is love, and love is who you truly are in your essence. When you go against love, you go against your inner nature, and therefore it feels like you are experiencing struggle. Experiencing struggle is your indication that you are not on the right journey. The struggle indicates that you are experiencing a negative definition that you have given to this subject in particular that needs to be re-written and re-worked into a higher, more exciting definition that sets your soul on fire.
When you experience a negative definition that goes against your highest nature, it feels like struggle. It feels like hurt. It feels like betrayal. When you experience those feelings, it is your indication that what you’re experiencing is NOT the ultimate truth; it is simply an illusion and projection. How do you know? Because it makes you feel bad. Your compass is telling you that this is not the truth and this is not your highest essence.
Therefore, living from a place of self-learning, learning to love oneself, and learning to live a life of bliss, happiness, and excitement always comes from honoring and following your desires from the divine source, from God, from the universe—it is your highest essence. It is how your highest self communicates with you.
It is your duty to stand up for it, protect it, follow it, honor it, get excited about it, and block any negative voices that tell you that being selfish and following your desire is bad.
Only when you follow your desire can you step into the place of self-love. It is when you follow other people’s definitions that feel bad and don’t resonate with you but your brain tells you that this is the next logical step and this is what Mary down the street told you that you need to do, but deep inside you feel great resistance to that pathway. It is your indication and the time when your higher self is speaking to you that the path you are being advised to take or that you are choosing is not the path of your highest good.
When you follow the path of your higher self, you align with the flow and harmony of the universe, and therefore you align yourself with your inner harmony too.
Creating the life of your dreams requires creating boundaries, radical pursuit of your desires, and listening to your compass over what your friends, family, coaches, and other well-meaning advisors tell you. It is not about weighing the odds; it is about following your heart and what your compass, your higher self, and the entire team of guardian angels tell you is the right path that feels fun, exciting, good, and in harmony with who you are and your essence and aligned with your highest values.
Being aligned with yourself, being in tune with your feelings and emotions, and being attentive to how you feel is your full-time job. Radically unaccepting and evaluating other people’s opinions and advice against your inner compass of fun and excitement is your full-time job.
This is how you develop an unapologetic and radical relationship with yourself or your highest self—through analyzing and paying attention to how you feel at every single moment about every single subject.
In the end, we live in a world made of energy, and energy is frequency. The frequency you emit from the inside is what the universe reflects back to you in the projection of your inner reality in the literal sense. Your highest inner self is the clearest reality on the outside; the matrix is simply a reflection and a mirror of what’s going on inside. When you create magic on the inside, you will receive magic on the outside in a very literal sense.
Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship of all. All your relationships will start from the level of your relationship with yourself. How deeply and how intimately can you go with yourself? This will be the direct reflection of how deeply and how intimately you can engage in relationships with others. How authentically you can connect with your own relationship with yourself will reflect and project on the outside in the way you connect with others at the exact same level.
If you are able to delve into uncomfortable feelings, face your shadows, work through them, release them, process them, and clear them, it will reflect in the exact proportion to how deeply you are able to trust the universe, trust yourself, and therefore trust other people as a reflection of how deeply you trust yourself.
Creating a beautiful, productive, loving, exciting, fun, epic, understanding, nurturing, and celebrating relationship with yourself is the key to living a life that is harmonious, peaceful, exciting, fun, and pleasurable for you and for all the people that you attract into your life. Remember that you are the mirror of everything that comes in.
When women discover that their partner cheated on them, they blame the partner for being dishonest, dishonorable, and bad. But the truth is you’re denying your own responsibility for this situation because you have attracted it into your life. The shadow that you need to face is where in your own inner world you are cheating on yourself and where in your own inner world you’re not being honest with yourself. Because the outside is always a reflection of who you are.
Again, I’m repeating that you don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are. And being concious of who you are is your full-time job. It requires for you to actively notice, adjust, rewrite, release, clear, and give new definitions to your own projection.
You attract who you are. And knowing who you are comes from deep self-knowledge. And deep self-knowledge involves honoring your feelings and emotions about subjects. Honoring your feelings and emotions, processing them, transmuting them into light, and clearing them is a full-time job. Therefore, your full-time job is truly to know who you are, know your desires, following your highest fun and excitement, and rebalancing back into peace and harmony in your relationship with yourself.
And that, my dear, is the highest work of all works that you can do in your life. It is your duty and your full-time job to have a radically honest, fun, exciting, epic relationship with yourself, and that requires being selfish and following your desire. Or should we say self-full.
Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you can create because through your own relationship with yourself, you will create your outer matrix of your own reality. Just as physical and just as solid as the glass of water in front of you that you are drinking. If all other ways towards living joyfull and fulfilled life failed, you have nothing left to lose. Your only choice is to try doing it my way and see if maybe that’s the only way you haven’t tried yet.
What does it mean to become the queen of your life or the goddess of your life? There are so many women that deserve this opportunity, why me? The truth is that you were taught to believe that there is only one world and there’s only one reality, and there can only be one queen of the world. When in reality, each person in a literal sense lives in their own world. I used to say they live in their own bubble, but now I say they live in their own actual reality and the world that they create, where they are choosing to either take responsibility, take charge, step into the position of power and step into the position of queen, or they can choose to have the illusion that their world is against them and they are a victim of their world and their circumstances, without realizing that they hold the key and they hold the reins. They are so free because the universe and the creator and the source, all that is, have given every human freedom to decide what we want to do with such freedom. We are so free we can choose our own chains, like my favorite teacher of all, Abraham Hicks, says.
You are the queen of your world, whether you want it or not. You can continue pretending that you are a victim, and have no power in your circumstances and your reality, or you can choose to face your shadows, get uncomfortable, and confront the negative definitions that you have created for yourself. Work through them into your life and make a decision to change that reality from the inside out.
So there is not one queen in this world, but millions and trillions of queens, making a choice every single day to either be victims of their circumstances or stand up and make a decision to take the reins and change that.
Take radical responsibility for the reality you have created so far based on what was happening within yourself, whether you knew it or not. You are responsible for the reality that you have created whether you knew how the laws of the universe operated or not. It is still your creation. The life that you live now is a direct reflection of the life you are living from the inside. If the life you’re living on the inside is miserable, full of betrayals, full of partners who are cheating, full of circumstances where you don’t have the money, love, trust, happiness it is not the outside world that’s at fault. It is you and the reality that you’re living within you that is simply mirroring back to you who you are.
Your life is a direct reflection of who you are, and therefore it tells me what kind of person you are because of what you have created on the outside.
But the good news in all of this is that just like you have created your negative circumstances and negative definitions, you have the power to make a decision today, right now, right this moment as you are reading this text and step in charge of your own wisdom and create a new reality for yourself, simply by changing your inner reality and inner frequency and your inner vibration.
Now that you know everything about your relationship with yourself, you understand why society hides the truth and distracts you with all the things on the outside because society is terrified of the power you have within yourself to change it.
In a world where the term “selfish” carries a negative connotation, society has conditioned us to believe that prioritizing oneself is inherently dishonorable. Yet, this perspective is worth challenging. Perhaps, it’s society that is selfish, leveraging our kindness for its own benefit while disparaging our pursuit of personal desires. The truth lies in understanding and embracing the profound wisdom of “knowing thyself,” an ancient Greek tenet that underscores the journey toward self-awareness and self-fulfillment. This journey, far from being selfish, is about becoming “self-full”—deeply in tune with our higher selves and true potential. In this exploration, we will uncover the importance of self-discovery and redefine the concept of selfishness, aligning it with a life of harmony, excitement, and authentic existence.
Understanding and nurturing the relationship with oneself is paramount to achieving a life of harmony, joy, and fulfillment. Society’s derogatory labeling of selfishness aims to divert us from our true essence and potential. By redefining selfishness as being “self-full,” we align with our higher selves, embracing our desires and passions as divine guidance. This alignment fosters a life of excitement, peace, and authenticity, reflecting our inner world in the outer reality. Our journey is about radical self-awareness and self-love, creating boundaries, and pursuing our desires unapologetically. Ultimately, the power to transform our lives lies within us, and by embracing our true selves, we become the queens of our own realities, shaping a world of infinite possibilities and boundless joy.